Week ending 2nd February
Monday saw us starting to glue together the baseboard for Cwm Carno,

By the end of the afternoon we had glued the perimeter, with a number of strengthening blocks added the joints. And we see Mr Chairman applying some PVA.

And Rhobat is making a hut for Cwm Carno, the roof is yet to finished.
Gluing and clamping continued on Tuesday along with discussion of materials for the trackbase and its fixing.
While all this was in progress we did our first practise timetable with ABB. There were the expected usual issues with coupling/uncoupling, otherwise it was satisfactory. The slightly revised timetable was better, though it would have helped if the signalman, yard and driver all had the same version.

Friday, and five of us chose to not watch Wales trying to play rugby. The Cwm Carno baseboard had dried nicely and was light and rigid enough for an ancient club member to lift by himself. It was on its way to being inverted, so that the last strengthening pieces could be glued underneath with assistance from Luke.

Meanwhile, back in the workroom;
Wagonman continues with the Ditton Priors pannier tank and brought along photos of it at Newport Dock Street in the 50’s.
Luke has the boiler test-fitted in place and the bunker completed.
The Welsh Wizard continued working on a pannier tank that needed TLC.

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