Week ending 26th January

Another week the club and a fair turnout on Monday

With the Scalefour Jubilee Challenge criteria specify that entrant layouts must fit in a car, so we checked that the Cwm Carno baseboard fitted in one. Here it is in LBH’s Peggie, and it just scraped in. We might need to trim some of the beams to make sure it’ll fit in satisfactorily and recheck regularly.

Elsewhere Rhobat was working on a hut, also for Cwm Carno.

Andrew N just finished ten (yes 10) of the 3dPrintolutions wagons to scalefour standards. Suspension methods include compensation and springing – both internal and external, unfortunately as they stand they are a bit too light (typically 22g) to run reliably so will need further weighting.

Friday brings a few adjustments (i.e. correcting where LBH messed up) to some of the components of Cwm Carno baseboard and it’s more-or-less ready for glueing.

The corrections included new slots at the correct levels being cut at the south end, though the chunky support piece also needs raising. And extra, smaller holes for wiring feeds were made.

Elsewhere Wagonman and Luke were working on their pannier and side tanks respectively.

Luke now has the inner sides of the tanks fitted, and after a clean with Viakal is looking the part.

Wagonman’s pannier tank is one of the Cleobury Mortimer and Ditton Priors locos rebuilt by the GWR. This one will be GWR No 28 as you can see in the photo. The nice reversing lever in the cab was believed to have fallen on the floor and after a bit of scrabbling around was actually found up on the work surface. Typical!

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