
Tŷ’n-y-Coedcae update

 Paul🏅had been doing sterling work building the fascia and lighting enclosure for Tŷ’n-y-Coedcae.

Our resident Wizard has been steadily painting the chairs over several weeks; this view contrasts favourably with that of the grey chairs on New Year’s Day.

Also to be seen here are ground surface work and the new wooden boundary fence.

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New Years Day

Only two were in attendance, Mr Chairman and LBH, both working on Tŷ’n-y-Coedcae. MrC on ballasting and the control panel and LBH on scenics.

In the foreground we can see where MrC is ballasting, but it’s more difficult to pick out where LBH is adding wire (actually elastic filament) to the further fence.

The old Pol Sands control panel has to be moved to a new box. As you can see from the shot of the rear the buttons will unscrew but 15mm holes will be needed in the new box. The largest drill available was 10mm so the crude use of a reamer took that up to 12mm, then the even cruder file work got 15mm – ish holes. The finished result is below, though the lines need to be drawn in properly.

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Path to the halt

From Late November LBH hacked away at perfectly good scenery …

… to provide a location for the new access path to Rhyd-y-Gwern Halt.

The path to the halt ‘platform’ has been developed. Firstly a retaining wall was formed (1) using Intentio card stone sheets, (2) the stone as weathered using powdered (3) capping stones were added using modelling clay (4) the base of the wall was bedded in (more clay) (5) that was weathered (6) foliage added and (7) gravel laid on the path.

By the end December the path to the halt had taken form.

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Tŷ’n-y-Coedcae Fiddle Yards and suport

Paul (S) primarily and LBH worked on the baseboard and support modifications on Tŷ’n-y-Coedcae. 

The trestles have been extended in to raise the track level to approx 4’1″

When LBH laid out the new bases for the cassettes on Tŷ’n-y-Coedcae’s fiddle yard it became apparent that more space would be required to accommodate anything like a decent train so PaulS set to to extend them by 15″. Here’s the start.

In December Paul assed the extension to the West fiddle yard

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LBH buys a second-hand layout

LBH assembled his new acquisition, a S7 layout built (very well too) by Ian Roll. Plans are to add a halt and give it a bit of a south Wales flavour. It may be rechristened Y Draethen.

Apart from the name change LBH is planning a few modifications including a second fiddle yard.

With the new layout bein equipped with electrol magnets LBH added droppers on to some Alex Jackson couplings on a few wagons.

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