GWR Mainline and City

Week ending 28th April

This week we have been preparing Bwthyn y Rhosod for its trip to the Thornbury Show. It is successfully erected, connected up and tested. The stock is now being trialled and coupling settings adjusted.

Also Morgan has been putting together some 4mm Dingham couplings for his 00 stock.

Luke’s Mainline and City stock converted to P4 has been put together as a rake and decisions made on couplings and the right gap between the coaches. Unfortunately the rather neat magnetic couplings provided too big a gap. We settled on the medium gap.

Week ending 28th April Read More »

Frecclesham Friday

These excellent coaches have been see before but now they are on ABB with P4 wheels fitted. There was some filing and paring of brake blocks required plus repositioning to get them free running with the wider wheelsets.A test push through pointwork was successful.

Preparations for Frecclesham’s visit to Ally Pally continue with supplies of our cold tea topped up courtesy of Paul and his Tesco clubcard. The positioning of figures on the layout has always been a bit of a problem. Using the method from Pavilion End square section tube is glued in position to receive the pins in the legs. The brass tube is unpainted as this makes it visible for placing figures, but doesn’t show up as the figure’s foot covers it. (sorry about the lack of focus)

N.B. No models were hurt by the insertion of the pins.

Frecclesham Friday Read More »

Friday report, red stock.

Progress continues with the Birdcage stock from Al. This is in primer rather than the finished colour. Further red coaches appeared on Friday from Luke. These are the latest Dapol OO gauge ex GWR Mainline and City Toplight stock. They come with internal lighting and lit tail lamp, finely detailed chassis with brake pull rods under the bogies and real value for money.

Friday report, red stock. Read More »

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