
Lifting the horizon

As suggested on the post of the 29th (was it only Monday?) raising the backscene by just a couple of inches paid dividends. The 3-d model and the 2-d back scene gel together better now. Hopefully some of the shadows will disappear when the lighting is set up and the backscene gets flattened out a bit.

Looking West

Looking East

A lone Bedwas coal wagon, not far from home, poses in a couple of locations in front of the backscene.

Lifting the horizon Read More »

A backscene

The first view of Tŷ’n-y-Coedcae’s backscene. Lighting needs to be applied and if we can raise it a bit I think it’ll look better – the horizon could be a bit higher.

Here’s the aluminium frame in pieces, on the left and below (I hope) erected.

looking west
looking east

A backscene Read More »

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