LBH’s Crindau Pill ( ˈkrɪndə pɪl ) in S7

Laser-cut baseboard 1350 mm x 450 mm procured from White Rose Modelworks – it went together easily and is very solid and not too heavy
Update 4 April 2020
Baseboard assembled and Templot plan printed out to get an idea of size and scale.

Update 26 June
Has it really been almost three months?
LBH has finally done something, not a lot, admittedly. A layer of thick foam underlay (thanks TAFKATYS) has been stuck down to the baseboard and laser-cut timbers have been obtained from Intentio (and widely discussed on Western Thunder post 1613 on).

Update 3rd July
Minor progress this week with LBH with a start being made laying track.

A bit of timber dying and then a bit more trackbase laid – hopefully all down now.
Next step chairs and rails.
And then decide what the rest will look like.

Update 17 July
Faced with the prospect of building common crossings LBH reached not, as one might expect for jigs, soldering iron and files, but the Templot file. This was converted by Greenwood into a single assembly of all three crossings seen here.
Is seems a pity to dismantle it now to break it down into separate pieces to allow chairs to be threaded on and allow the possibility of electrifying the layout later if BPRC not work out as expected.

4 September 2020
Track-laying has progressed in fits and starts on Crindau Pill

30 Oct 2020
A bit more tracklaying and some remedial work – more details on the Scaleseven Group site.

15 August 2021
A return to modelling trackwork. And this time with an aide-memoire in the form the masking tape with the chair types and blade tip location marked on it. A two-minute job but would have saved the hours of remedial work I had to do earlier when I somehow skipped .
two timbers.

The first outing for CP at NEWGOG in 2022
8th October 2022
CP’s second trip out was to the the ScaleSeven Group’s National Show, in Mark, Somerset. And a couple of very welcome visitors.

Two Cambrian drop-side wagons posing on CP at Mark.