Four of the club members attended the Missenden Abbey Railway Modellers’ weekend at Missenden Abbey, two of us working in 4mm/ft and two in Scaleseven.
After many tears years LBH is getting close with his S7 Brecon & Merthyr 0-6-2T

Keeping the South Wales pre-grouping theme, TVR class V kit was unwrapped and started. Here the valance is being soldered in place, the tiny clothes pegs are really useful here.
On the etch with the cab side you can see the lack of locating tabs and there are obviously then, no matching slots. By trial positioning, measuring and marking the cab was formed, turning out to be nice and square. Help from the tutor on our course was necessary for the bending of metal though.

Back in the 29 September post there is a picture of a 3D printed tank being inspected. In fact it fitted onto the brasswork pretty well, though some material had to be cut away from around the smokebox

4mm scale found an ADR railcar chassis with motor and radio control fitted, and the start of a kit for a Sharp Stewart 0-6-0. Can you spot the coupling rod that had been overheated by an RSU?